The purpose of this survey is to collect antibiotic start data to help Massachusetts long-term care facilities assess their antibiotic use.

Facilities that submit data will receive a report that allows them to compare their facility's antibiotic use against other long-term care facilities in the state. Antibiotic use tracking is an important core element of antibiotic stewardship.

Please work with your consultant pharmacist in order to complete this survey. You will be reminded to complete this survey at the beginning of every month for the previous full month of data.

Reporting Help & FAQ

If you have any additional questions about data submission please contact Thank you!

How to Use this Survey

Please enter the monthly denominator data for the report month below.

If you have antibiotic starts to report for the month, you will be taken to the next survey instrument where you will complete a form for each antibiotic start for the report month.

Alternatively, you may upload a spreadsheet of antibiotic starts for the report month using the template below.

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